Career & Personality Fit

You may have taken the viacharacter personality test. That’s a great tool to help you understand who you are and how you operate in the world. It highlights character strengths and this is beneficial when you consider who you are and what you want to do as your life’s work.

Another great tool is the 16 Personalities test. This test gives you a more in depth perspective on your personality. 16 Personalities has a section called “Explore Your Type” that includes information about career paths and workplace habits. There is also information about many other different segments of life.

Your job today is to create a presentation that explores the connection between a career you may be interested in and your personality. Use the “Career Paths” and “Workplace Habits” sections of your 16 Personalities survey results along with information from the Introduction section. You can use information from the viacharacter survey also if you’d like. This should be a stand alone presentation that an audience can view on their own. You will not be presenting in front of the class, but will be sharing these for your classmates to view on their own in Google Classroom.

Create a Google Slideshow that includes:

  • An introduction slide with your name and your chosen career
  • 2 “career” slides that explain what people do in that career and what the work environment is like. You can find that information in the Occupational Outlook Handbook.
  • A slide summarizing the “How to Become One” tab from the Occupational Outlook Handbook page.
  • A slide explaining why you find that career interesting.
  • 2 “personality” slides that briefly describe what you’ve learned about your personality through 16personalities and/or the survey.
  • 2 “career fit” slides that describe how this career fits your personality and what you like to do or are interested in.

Be sure your presentation contains enough information for people to really understand your career choice, your personality and the connection between the two. Keep your slides neat and readable. Include images, but don’t put text over images. Be sure everything you include is relevant to your personality and the career you chose.

Career and Me Example

Once you are done, change the sharing option and comment on the person’s slideshow who comes before you and after you alphabetically. In you comment, copy, paste and answer the following:

Did this presentation meet the requirements?

What’s an interesting thing you learned from this presentation?