Survival Simulation

Lunar Survival – 3rd hour, slide 10

Shipwreck Survival – 4th hour, pages 5 and 6

Fill in Step 3 – Expert Ranking for supplies from the links above.

Fill in Step 4 – Create 3 columns in step 4, just like you did in step 1.

Each team member should calculate the difference between your rank and the expert rank. This is shown on slide 7 of this Google Slideshow. The only difference is that each column with blue numbers will have 3 little columns inside of it, one for each team member since you don’t each have a paper. You should end up with 3 scores in the bottom row where it shows “Your Score” in blue.

Next, do step 5 and calculate the difference between your team rankings and the expert rankings.

Finally, discuss the following questions within your team:

  1. Did you do better by yourself, or did the team rankings do better?
  2. Choose two items from the list that you had a different ranking from than the experts. Write a Hypothesis as to why your rankings were different.

Try to imagine why you gave the item a lower rank than the experts (why do the experts say it is more important than you thought?) or why you gave the item a higher ranking than the experts (why did the experts not think the item was as important as you did?)

Add yourself to our classes Google Classroom. Complete the doc posted at the top of the page. Please pay attention to formatting.

3rd hour code – cbz7o24

4th hour code – eg96yv